Holistic Approach for Providing Spatial & Transport Planning Tools and Evidence to Metropolitan and Regional Authorities to Lead a Sustainable Transition to a New Mobility Era
Grant Agreement number 815269
42 months
June 2019 to March 2023
The challenge
The continuous expansion of cities and the evolution of public transport are posing new challenges to face. Harmony’s vision is to enable metropolitan area authorities to lead a sustainable transition to a low-carbon new mobility era. This will be possible thanks to its harmonised spatial and multimodal transport planning tools modelling the changing transport sector and spatial organisation.
The solution
- Objective 1
- Objective 2
- Objective 3
- Objective 4
- Objective 5
New mobility services, concepts and technologies for people and freight for urban, suburban and regional transport
Co-creation labs to identify preferences for people and freight mobility and spatial solutions
Integrate automated vehicles and drones with traditional transport modes and collect data from citizens and freight operators
Integration of transport data with social, economic and environmental data
New spatial and transport planning model suite (MS)
- Objective 6
- Objective 7
- Objective 8
- Objective 9
Application of the model suite to support metropolitan planners and decision-makers
Link the model suite to EU-wide transport models
Recommendations to update spatial and transport strategies and Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs)
Dissemination of Harmony’s solutions
Outcomes: Key results
- Research will provide cities, regional and national authorities and spatial planners with evidence of long term impacts of innovative transport technologies and business models
- It will aid decision makers to better anticipate and plan necessary investments, adaptation and spatial redesign strategies in view of taking full advantage of the new forms of mobility for improving competitiveness, sustainability, social cohesion, equity, and citizen well-being
- Research will also contribute to devising transport-planning strategies that contribute to a balanced development between urban and rural areas
- The innovation processes and final impacts should be systematically evaluated in terms of their contribution to environmental health, to enhanced accessibility to the centre of the metropolitan region as well as to the TEN- T corridors, to regional economic performance, social cohesion and overall regional development potential
- Reduced congestion, energy, emissions of air pollutants, carbon footprint, noise and land use within the identified metropolitan regions
- Increased coordination between multimodal infrastructure mobility and spatial economic development, including reduction of inequalities
- Increased inter modality and higher resilience of the transport system between the metropolitan region and the neighbouring cities and rural areas.
- D1.2 Stakeholder requirements and scenarios for regional spatial and transport planning
- D1.4 Stakeholders requirements for regional spatial and transport planning – Final version
- D10.1 Dissemination and communication strategy and plan
- D10.2 Communication kit
- D10.4 Market & business ecosystem analysis
- D10.5 Communication and dissemination report I
- D10.7 Preliminary exploitation plans
- D10.8 Communication and dissemination report II
- D10.12 Final exploitation plan
- D10.13 Brief final exploitation plan
Role of Enide
- Dissemination
- Exploitation
- Innovation Management
Services related to the role
- Involvement in Project Coordination and Management
- Contribution to Case Studies' Setup, Management, and Cross-Metropolitan Activities
- Contribution to HARMONY Roadmaps and Business Cases
- Leading Task on Specification of Stakeholder Needs

We developed user-centric mobility applications for citizens, bringing together a complete offering of the resources available in the city (public, private, on demand) in a seamless solution. For citizens, a mobile app that facilitates personal mobility with a trip plan customized to one’s preferences, needs and desired destination.