Zero Emission bUs Systems
Grant Agreement number 605485
42 months
November 2013 to May 2017
The challenge
ZeEUS project focus on the today’s challenge in the electrification of bus system, the extension of the fully-electric solution to a wider part of the urban network. This goes through the development of electric vehicles of large capacity, and the creation of an infrastructure capable of providing the required charging energy, operated according to non-disruptive and grid-balancing principles.Electrification of the public transport is a raising trend in Europe, and electric buses are soon expected to enter markets as one of the most interesting options for matching urban environmental targets. Electrification is driven by both economics and politics. However, although technology is not yet fully matured and ready for wide commercialisation, a large demonstration project will facilitate the market up-take of electric buses in Europe. Furthermore, as unambiguous and extensive information about overall effects of electrified bus systems and related needs for changes on infrastructure do not exist today, UITP sees its objectives and those matching perfectly, and this led UITP to build a consortium of 40 partners, who were already considering their actions along this theme, and to collectively design the 42-months demonstration project ZeEUS – Zero-Emission Urban Bus Systems.
The solution
- Objective 1
- Objective 2
- Objective 3
- Objective 4
Extend fully-electric solution to the core part of the urban bus network composed of high capacity buses
Evaluate the economic, environmental and societal feasibility of electric urban bus systems through live operational scenarios across Europe
Facilitate the market uptake of electric buses in Europe with dedicated support tools and actions
Outcomes: Key results
- Clarify the viability of the different types of electrical buses for immediate market introduction within urban areas
- Accelerate market roll-out of electric buses in order to meet EU policy objectives
- Facilitate pre-commercial procurement and foster innovation in the public sector
- Clarify possible support for further deployment of electric buses in European cities through European Investment Bank instruments
Role of Enide
- WP on the Barcelona Demonstrator
Services related to the role
- Detailed Implementation Plan and Demonstration Preparation
- Execution of the Demonstration
- Data Collection and Local Evaluation