All Weather Autonomous Real logistics operations and Demonstrations
Grant Agreement number 101006817
42 months
January 2021 to June 2024
The challenge
Connected and automated driving systems for commercial vehicles can improve the safety and efficiency of freight transport both in confined areas and in mixed traffic (hub-to-hub) and make logistics operations more competitive. Significant progress has been made in the field of autonomous truck driving with numerous prototypes. However, there is still a gap to fill to ensure the uptake of this breakthrough technology and the future advent of an overall autonomous logistic chain. The current inabilities of autonomous heavy-duty vehicles to work with the right safety and functional level for 24/7 availability (e.g., harsh weather conditions) hinder their deployment, along with the lack of a harmonized regulatory framework.
The solution
The AWARD project will develop and enable a safe autonomous transportation system in a wide range of real-life use cases in a variety of different scenarios. This encompasses the development of an autonomous driving system (ADS) capable of handling adverse environmental conditions such as heavy rain, snowfall, and fog. The ADS solution will be based on multiple sensor modalities to address 24/7 availability. The ADS will then be integrated into multiple vehicle types used in low-speed areas.
- Objective 1
- Objective 2
- Objective 3
- Objective 4
- Objective 5
To ensure that the AWARD solutions will address logistics needs
To develop a safe and scalable autonomous driving system able to manage harsh weather conditions, qualified for heavy-duty vehicles
To improve efficiency of logistics operations with autonomous heavy-duty vehicles
To perform innovative autonomous heavy-duty vehicles missions in real logistics operations
To provide insights and recommendations on the standardisation and harmonisation of certification processes and type approval
Outcomes: Key results
- Definition of end-user’s specifications and requirements
- Safe and scalable autonomous driving system validated for harsh weather conditions
- Zero-Emission Driverless Autonomous Heavy-Duty Vehicles certified for extended ODDs
- Interoperable safe and secure fleet management and supervision system that optimizes logistics operations
- Demonstrations of fully available automated HDV performing 24/7 for real logistics operations
- Policy recommendations regarding the regulatory framework for the deployment of fully automated HDV operating real logistics operations in extended ODDs
Role of Enide in AWARD
Dissemination and Communication
ENIDE is tasked with developing and implementing an appropriate dissemination strategy and materials to make the project results widely known to both academic and industrial audiences.
Communication and Branding Strategy
ENIDE is tasked with developing and implementing an appropriate dissemination strategy and materials to make the project results widely known to both academic and industrial audiences.
Web Development and Digital Engagement
ENIDE is responsible for developing and maintaining the AWARD project's website. This involves designing the site's layout, curating engaging content, implementing interactive features, and ensuring seamless navigation. The website serves as a central gateway to all project-related information, resources, and updates. Also, ENIDE leverages social media platforms, email campaigns, and other online channels to foster engagement with the AWARD project's target audience. This includes creating and sharing compelling content, interacting with followers, and building a vibrant online community that supports the project's goals.
Dissemination and Knowledge Sharing
ENIDE actively promotes AWARD technical results and findings through presentations at conferences, congresses, and other events. This includes preparing and delivering engaging presentations, networking with industry experts, and showcasing the project's innovations. Also, ENIDE ensures that all project publications are accessible to a wide audience by uploading them to open repositories like project website, Zenodo and the ALICE Knowledge Platform.
Liaison and Networking
ENIDE is responsible for organizing and managing liaison and networking activities within the AWARD project. This involves collaborating with other projects, establishing synergies with relevant bodies and external parties, and participating in joint events and initiatives to maximize project visibility. The task also includes publishing technical papers and specialized articles, presenting publishable results at conferences and in journals, and emphasizing the wider societal implications of the AWARD project.
Exploitation focuses on leveraging the project's assets and knowledge for further use in research, consultancy, education, and policy decision-making.
Exploitation and IPR Management
ENIDE takes the lead in developing the exploitation strategy and plan, both during and after the project's duration. This strategy aims to ensure that the solutions developed in the AWARD project are validated and viable for commercial exploitation and sustainability. The exploitation plan will outline exploitable results, identify potential user groups, characterize relevant authorities and investors, and pre-select measures to realize exploitation. ENIDE will also be responsible for monitoring the project from an intellectual property rights (IPR) perspective, ensuring confidentiality agreements, and safeguarding the defined IPRs of all consortium partners.
Innovation Management
ENIDE is involved in project management and coordination tasks, especially concerning innovation management and impact monitoring. They will continuously monitor internal and external risks related to the project and analyze scientific and technological achievements, identifying weak points and assessing the usability of results beyond the project's context. The task also involves analyzing the evolving socio-economic context, user needs, market trends, stakeholders, and competitors to align the project's outcomes with the expected impacts.
Market Analysis
In this task, ENIDE delivers a comprehensive business-focused analysis of deployment opportunities related to connected and automated heavy-duty vehicles in real logistics operations. They will investigate potential technical, business, organizational, and social barriers and propose suitable solutions. ENIDE will conduct broad consultations with key stakeholders through interviews, workshops, and online surveys to gather input on opportunities, barriers, and solutions.
Impact Assessment
ENIDE plays a pivotal role in the impact assessment of the AWARD project, utilizing the FESTA methodology to evaluate the deployment of autonomous driving systems (ADS) capable of handling various weather conditions. This methodology allows for a comprehensive understanding of the project's efficiency and environmental impacts across different use cases such as port, airport, Hub2Hub, and forklift operations. Collaborating with other stakeholders, ENIDE contributes to simulations and modeling of automated operations, providing insights into the implications on a larger scale, both at the EU level and worldwide. By analyzing the data collected from various subsystems, ENIDE helps in optimizing logistics operations and coordinating the overall functionality of the autonomous vehicles. Their expertise in assessing the efficiency and environmental impacts of the project, using the FESTA methodology, ensures a nuanced understanding of the potential benefits and challenges of integrating autonomous vehicles into real-world scenarios, thereby aiding in the commercial exploitation of the technology and the formulation of policy recommendations.
Trend Analysis
Trend Analysis role is instrumental in monitoring and interpreting current and emerging trends in the logistics and transportation sector. By utilizing specialized tools such as DHL The Logistics Trend Radar, this role ensures alignment with the industry's evolving landscape, supports exploitation plans, and aids in strategic decision-making.
Future Forecasts and Roadmap Development
Complementing other roles of ENIDE in AWARD project, in this role ENIDE focuses on synthesizing the project's findings into a comprehensive strategic guide. This roadmap outlines the path towards connected and automated heavy-duty vehicles for logistics operations, integrating insights from other tasks and deliverables to reflect industry trends. The roadmap is designed to facilitate and quicken exploitation actions, provide recommendations for future research, and ensure cohesive collaboration across project teams.
Supporting Roles
Identification of End-Users' Needs and Requirements
In this task, ENIDE collaborates with other partners to reassess and refine the overall scope of the targeted 'system of systems' in the AWARD project. This includes identifying the specific needs and requirements of end-users who will be utilizing connected and automated heavy-duty vehicles in real logistics operations. By understanding the needs and requirements of end-users, ENIDE helps ensure that the developed solutions and innovations in the project align closely with the actual demands and challenges faced by logistics operators and other stakeholders.
Testing Methodology and Evaluation
ENIDE's involvement in this task revolves around harmonizing testing practices across the different test sites within the AWARD project. As the project aims to validate and deploy safe autonomous transportation systems, rigorous testing and evaluation are crucial. ENIDE collaborates with test site leaders and evaluation teams to define test scenarios, research questions, and evaluation methods. By coordinating these efforts, ENIDE helps ensure that the test results can be combined and scientifically valid, leading to a comprehensive understanding of the performance of connected and automated heavy-duty vehicles in various scenarios.
Cost Benefit Analysis
Economic Viability, Definition of New Business Models, and Regulatory Framework: ENIDE participates in the Cost-benefit Analysis, delivering a comprehensive business-focused analysis of deployment opportunities for connected and automated heavy-duty vehicles in logistics. They investigate potential barriers, identify solutions, and conduct consultations with key stakeholders to gather input on opportunities and challenges.