The AWARD H2020 mid-year meeting, hosted by EasyMile, led by the project coordinator Julien Collier, successfully took place in Toulouse from June 12th to June 14th, 2023. The event brought together a total of 46 team members representing esteemed organizations such as: Absiskey, Adasky, AIT, Applied Autonomy, AustriaTech, BIZUP, BRP-Rotax, CARA, Cerema, CertX AG, Continental, DFDS, Digitrans, ENIDE, FHO – University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Foresight, FRACS, IRU, ITS Norway, Kamag, LCM, SAS/TLD, Schenker, VTT, and Ottopia.
On behalf of our team, Dr. Loha Hashimy and Vesna Boskovic had the honour of witnessing the collective efforts and achievements during the impactful three-day meetings in Toulouse.
As Dissemination, Communication, and Exploitation AWARDH2020 package leaders, ENIDE strives towards the effective sharing of groundbreaking findings with the wider community and pushing towards the commercialization of innovative solutions developed in AWARD-H2020. We take great pride in our contribution towards shaping the future of autonomous transportation.
Here´s a summary highlighting the main activities and sessions of each day:
- Day 1 – June 12: Welcoming at EasyMile Headquarters and bus travel to the Francazal site, Airport vehicle demonstration and bus travel back to EasyMile Headquarters, Get together Cocktail session exclusively for project partners at Péniche Saint Louis;
- Day 2 – June 13: Morning session includes meeting introduction, agenda presentation, and general project presentation, Vehicle and use case presentations for forklift, hub to hub, port, and airport vehicles, WP10 progress update, internal reporting, planning, budget updates, and next steps discussion, Objectives review and update, followed by a wrap-up discussion, Afternoon session includes detailed status updates per work package (WP3 to WP9) and risk matrix update;
- Day 3 – June 14: Reserved for PGA representatives only: project planning presentation exclusively for PGA members, project Q&A session exclusively for PGA members.
The AWARD project
The AWARD project will develop and enable a safe autonomous transportation system in a wide range of real-life use cases in a variety of different scenarios. This encompasses the development of an autonomous driving system (ADS) capable of handling adverse environmental conditions such as heavy rain, snowfall, and fog. The ADS solution will be based on multiple sensor modalities to address 24/7 availability. The ADS will then be integrated into multiple vehicle types used in low-speed areas.
It is a pleasure to collaborate with our AWARD-H2020 team: Clara Pawlak, Anne Daudois, Di Fruscia Morgane, Sharon Fiss, Peter Fröhlich, Rebecca Ronke, AustriaTech – Dominik Schallauer, Jasmina Turkovic, Doris Straub, Sebastian Wiplinger, Diana Reinales Jiménez, Celine Grange Faivre, Pierre Duthon, Sébastien Liandrat, Frédéric Bernardin, Ann-Christin Patzelt, Niku Gorji, Continental, DFDS, DigiTrans GmbH, FH OÖ Campus Steyr | Fakultät für Wirtschaft und Management, Foresight Automotive, France Aviation Civile Services, IRU, ITS Norway, TII KAMAG, Linz Center of Mechatronics GmbH (LCM), SAS/TLD, DB Schenker, VTT, and Ottopia